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Friday, May 28, 2010

Checking In


I realized when I checked my blog that it's been over a month since I last posted anything. I'm so sorry. Life has simply gotten away from me and I have no real excuse. After getting over being sick I just didn't have the energy to sit and stamp. We've been out of town visiting my mom, just got back from a week of camping, then it got so HOT here that I didn't want to sit in my craft room on the second floor and work. Plus I was busy working on samples for a workshop and didn't have time to work in the computer getting posts together.

I honestly can't say when I'll be posting again because now that it's getting warmer and nicer out, I'd rather be doing stuff outside.

I hope I can get to something this weekend, but the days are filling up as I type.

Hope you all are having a good spring season. I'm so fired up about the upcoming new catty because that means that I'm going to be officially becoming an SU! demonstrator!

Thanks to all of you for your patience.

Lovely As A Tree

This post also uses the new Brusho Crystal Color Powder.  I wanted to try making a landscape, but knew, because of how Brusho works (you can...